Rahul Kumar Fitness Blog | Abs Workout Exercise At Home

The Workout Plan to Get Six-Pack Abs At Home

abs workout

Hey, this is Rahul kumar, a fitness consultant, thanks for visiting my blog, and today here, I am going talk about how you can make six abs at home in the shortest time. 

All four moves equal one round. Rest for 30 to 60 seconds, then repeat for up to eight rounds. To get six abs at home.

1. Plank


To get six abs at home you have to follow these steps which are as: Lie face down on a yoga mat and Lift your torso up, with your elbows straight, under your shoulders, and resting at your sides. tighten your glutes and inner thighs. 

Please note that if you skip anyone of these steps you will not achieve the six abs at home you are looking for so now bring your toes together and engage your core by bringing your belly button in and up. 
After this bend your knees and keep your back straight Maintain your body in a straight line, with your head slightly forward and your neck straight. 

Slowly lift the body up, in such a way that all the weight comes on the arms and toes. 
Hold this position for as long as you can, for 20 to 30 seconds. If possible, try to maintain this position for one minute. You have to do 4 sets of this. Therefore, this how when you do it consistently you will surely get six abs at home soon. 

2. V-ups


 Lie on your back on the mat and bend your knees. Place your hands behind your head and lift your upper body. You will feel tension in the core muscles, hold for a few seconds, and come back to the starting position. In this way, you can get six abs at home.

Do 4 sets of 25 repetitions. Doing crunches too quickly is of little benefit. The more you hold, the more you will benefit.

Also, keep the head straight and do all the movement with core muscles

Doing crunches is not enough, because maximum fat is in our lower abdomen, on which this exercise has no effect. Therefore doing crunches is not enough for a flat belly. Also, doing crunches in the wrong way can also cause neck and back pain.

3. Body weight squat

body weight squat

While doing squats, first of all, bend your chest slightly and then keep both your hands open in front. Now slowly bend your knees and try to sit down. This has to be done as if you are sitting on a chair. While doing this, always keep one thing in mind keep the body very tight. then have a sit-down meeting Initially you will do 4 sets of 15 reps each. If you do more reps in the beginning then your legs will get sore. Gradually increase the reps.

4. Reverse lunges

reverse lunges

To get six abs at home you have to follow these steps which are as:To do reverse lunges,  you first have to stand straight on the ground with your feet about shoulder-width apart. Now step backward with your right foot and bend your right foot downwards. Keep your right heel away from the ground. Bend both knees to 90 degrees, and focus on engaging your core and maintaining balance while keeping your hips and spine straight. Keep in mind that you must check your hips from time to time to see if your hips are bent to one side. You can do this easily by placing your hands on your hips. You then push through the heel of your left foot to return to your starting position.

After doing it with one leg for some time, repeat the same process with the other leg. You may feel a little stretch in the veins while doing it in the beginning but it gets better later Please note that if you skip any one of these steps you will not achieve the six abs at home                       

These are the summary exercises and apart, you have to take care of your diet too means avoid Junk Food and follow the proper certain kind of diet that not have much fat so then you obviously get the desired results otherwise not.   

Read More: How To Make Six Abs In One Month?                   


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